Monday, 24 August 2020

National Webinar on National Digital Library of India: User Awareness Program

Chandrabhan Sharma College, Library & Information Centre organized an National Webinar on National Digital Library of India: User Awareness Program, on 19th August 2020 (Wednesday) from 05.00pm to 06.30pm to all faculty members and students of Chandrabhan Sharma CollegeThe resource person for this webinar was Dr. Vignesh Sornamohan, Chief Strategic and Outreach Officer NDLI, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal. 

Vignesh Sornamohan Sir has started his session with the introducing NDLI to all the participants, why everyone should use it and  how it is helpful in this pandemic, it has various user models, various access options wise content availability and types of resources available in it, and then he gave tour of how to access NDLI, which can be access in many Indian languages. In NDLI lots of video lectures are available to understand the concept clearly, to search various filter option area available can search by Access Restriction, Author, Subject category, Educational Degree, Difficulty level, File format, language, Resource Type, etc. 

Sir has showed how to do individual registration and bulk registration in NDLI portal, he then Introduced NDLI Mobile App which is Available on Android and iOS and in UMANG App, and lastly explained about Google Vs. NDLI: How is it Different?, Examples of users those are using NDLI, also showed HOW TO OPERATE NDLI CLUB?, Activities carried out in NDLI Club. From this WEBINAR, the participants got the opportunity to know about the vast resources available online through NDLI where they can sit at one place and access number of e-resources through various search strategy.